Support to our clients in the establishment of their businesses. We support development and growth by providing solid legal foundations with strict compliance with the law and knowledge that allows us to grow and help consolidate our clients’ businesses.
Includes litigation, consulting, planning and strategy.
Intellectual property
Design and protection of brand portfolio for our clients. Development of franchise model, patent registration and development of personal data protection structure.
Corporate Labor
Design of strategies for compliance with the provisions applicable to the specific case and development of work structure within our clients companies to mitigate future risks.
Implementation of strategies to have the necessary equipment to achieve the goals of our clients. Processing of visas and records to hire the required personnel.
Civil-Commercial Litigation
Litigation in any of these matters, which signifies a plus for our clients when defending the interests of their businesses.
We offer accounting, tax calculation and advice on accounting, and tax expertise, in tax refunds, in diagnosis of fiscal situation and in social security.
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Andrés Gómez Calderón, Socio; Edgar de la Cruz, Socio, Haide García Álvarez, Asociado; Christina Martínez Treviño, Socio; Mauricio Portillo Barragán, Socio y Luis Soles Lugo, Socio.